Ecogranite Aquasett Permeable Block Paving

Benefits of Ecogranite Aquasett Permeable Block Paving

Formpave is a definitive collection of high quality, permeable and conventional concrete block paving products and systems that have been designed to comply with legislative and sustainability requirements. The range includes paving for homeowners’ driveways and ‘whole system’ designs, such as our pioneering Aquaflow® SuDS, for architectural and commercial projects as well as paving kerbs and accessories.


Ecogranite Aquasett Permeable Block Paving specifications

Block Sizes 60mm (Depth) 80mm (Depth)
Total quantity of mixed blocks per pack 434 310
Made up of the following sizes:
250 x 150mm Quantity of Blocks Per Pack (Ind blocks/sizes) 140 100
150 x 150mm Quantity of Blocks Per Pack (Ind blocks/sizes) 196 140
100 x 150mm Quantity of Blocks Per Pack (Ind blocks/sizes) 98 70
Coverage per pack (m²) 11.2 8
Weight per pack (tonne) 1.47 1.42
Large Block Only † 250 x 150mm Plan size (mm) Blocks per pack 280 200
Coverage per pack (m²) 10.5 7.5
Weight per pack (tonne) 1.38 1.33
Notes Special order †

Precast concrete block paving

Manufactured to BS EN 1338:2003
Abrasion 60mm block Class 3
Resistance to weathering Class 3
Tensile splitting strength 3.6 Mpa
Abrasion 80mm block Class 4
Slip/skid resistance Extremely low

Special order †


Standard - Bush Hammered

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