Community Stories

Forterra supports Lincolnshire family in neonatal ward fundraising

Seb was born at 24 weeks gestation at Lincoln County Hospital and was immediately rushed to Nottingham City Hospital’s specialist baby intensive care unit. After four days in hospital, Seb sadly passed away.

Since then Jordan has been on a mission fundraising to provide the ICU with the specialist equipment they need.

“We watched numerous medical staff work tirelessly to keep Seb alive. No expense or effort was spared. Neonatal death affects one in four families, and we had no idea until it happened to us.”

For the last two years, Jordan has been completing fundraising challenges while carrying a white casket, like the one Seb was laid to rest in. Through events like the Three Peaks and the 4x4x48 challenge in which you run four miles every four hours for 48 hours, he’s long surpassed his initial fundraising goal of £1,000.

“I hope to not only raise funds for equipment, but also raise awareness of baby loss.  It’s a grief that never truly goes away but our hope is that with the equipment funded in Seb’s name, we will be able to save a little life and give another family the chance to watch their child grow up.

“The support we’ve received has been incredible and we’re so grateful to Forterra for their significant donation.”

Caroline Wildman, Marketing Director at Forterra said “We were so sorry to hear of the Harman family’s tragic loss, and glad we could assist through our community fund. We hope this donation will help towards providing the much needed equipment for Nottingham City Hospital to prevent other families suffering in the same way.”

The Forterra Community Fund provides support for a variety of causes across the country, especially applications that seek to make a difference to the local community.

To apply for the Forterra Community Fund, please visit: